This card kinds fell together from a semblance of this and that.
1. The Red card stock was crooked, so I trimmed it.
2. The embossed white paper was a scrap on my desk.
3. I just had to use the new punch that I got.
4. Again... ribbon sitting on my desk, had to use it.
5. A recent fascination with puffy stickers.
Voila! Masterpiece! OK.... so it's no masterpiece, but I am liking it.
Then comes the tag. Don't you think it looks like a little handbag?
I thought that it would be cute tied to the gift package.
I thought that it would be cute tied to the gift package.

I love it too, and yes the little handbag gift tag is really cute. Love that I have such a creative neighbor!!(might come in handy someday!!) I love checking out your stuff.
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